Calíope Art Law, an international art law boutique committed to efficiency, transparency and accountability in the art market. We help our clients “lift the veil” on transactions by offering them a taylor-made practice area exclusively dedicated to art and cultural heritage law, under the premise of effectiveness and discretion.
We combine legal and artistic advice, based on the key tools of research and due diligence, as well as on the cataloguing and economic valuations of the pieces by objective professionals with highly specialized and proven experience in the sector.
Although we are specialized in Spanish legislation and the European art market, we work internationally, keeping a close and cost-effective collaboration with top-end art law firms based in New York, Miami, Milan, London and Paris.

Our added value

Combined legal and artistic
tailor-made advisory services.
in New York, Milan, London and Paris.

Highly qualified and experienced team of lawyers,
academics and technicians.

Our knowledge and location allow us to become a bridge between institutions, collectors, artists, dealers and advisors from Europe and the Americas, especially when they deal with complex international transactions and restrictive cultural heritage laws.